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Care of under 18s in Residential Accommodation

Care of Under 18’s: including rules in residential accommodation at Linacre College


The “Rules regarding care of under 18s in residential accommodation” document is to establish clear guidelines and expectations for the care and supervision of individuals under the age of 18 who are staying in residential accommodation. The document aims to ensure the safety, well-being, and appropriate treatment of under 18s by outlining specific rules and procedures that must be followed by staff members and individuals responsible for their care. It serves as a reference and reference point to promote consistent and effective practices in safeguarding and supporting the needs of under 18s in residential settings.

Glossary of Terms and Notes

  • OSP: Stands for Oxford Scholars Programme

  • Under 18s: Refers to individuals under the age of 18, regardless of their home country’s age of majority or the location of ELT provision.

  • Safeguarding: Action taken to protect children and promote their welfare, including health and safety, child protection, and pastoral care.

  • Child protection: Measures to prevent abuse, including physical/emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect, or exploitation.

  • Safer recruitment: Procedures to prevent the appointment of individuals who may harm children, including thorough screening and training.

  • Regulated activity: Roles requiring criminal records checks, such as teaching, supervision, and frequent/intensive contact with children.

  • Suitability checks: Checks to identify any factors that make a person unsuitable to work with under 18s, like criminal records checks.

  • DBS check: UK criminal record disclosure service providing basic, standard, enhanced, and enhanced with list checks.

  • Certificate of good conduct: Documentation resulting from criminal records checks conducted outside the UK.

  • “PREVENT”: Government initiative to reduce support for terrorism and prevent radicalization in institutions.

  • Radicalization: The process of becoming more radical or favouring extreme changes.

  • Extremism: Holding extreme political or religious views, which may oppose core British values or deny rights to others.

  • Core British values: Democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, and respectful tolerance of different faiths or beliefs.

Care of under 18s section standard, inspection criteria and guidance


1.1 OSP has a safeguarding policy in place to ensure the safety and well-being of students under the age of 18. This policy will be regularly reviewed and includes clear procedures and guidelines to protect children from harm. A designated staff member, the designated safeguarding officer (DSO) will be responsible for implementing the policy and addressing any child protection allegations. The policy will cover various aspects, such as policy statements, codes of conduct, health and safety measures, safer recruitment practices, training, welfare provision, and child protection procedures. It will provide information on how to raise concerns, respond to disclosures, identify responsible individuals, record and report information, and handle allegations/incidents.

1.2 To ensure effective implementation of our safeguarding policy, OSP ensures that all adults who interact with individuals under the age of 18 through their role within our organisation (including employees, sub-contractors, teachers, residential staff and councillors) are made aware of the policy. We provide guidance and offer training that is relevant to their responsibilities to support them in effectively adhering to the policy. This includes generic child protection awareness training, which can be accessed online, provided by the local authority, or delivered directly by OSP. Additionally, role-specific codes of conduct and training on specific procedures are provided to ensure that adults understand their responsibilities and can appropriately report any suspected or alleged harm or abuse incidents. We emphasise the importance of these codes of conduct to prevent any misunderstandings or potentially compromising situations.

At OSP, we prioritise the knowledge and understanding of our safeguarding policy among all adults in contact with individuals under the age of 18. This enables us to create a safe environment and respond promptly to any safeguarding concerns.

1.3 At OSP, we understand the significance of providing accurate information to parents/guardians regarding the level of care and support provided to students under 18. We ensure that all publicity and information available before enrolment offers a precise description of the measures we have in place to ensure the well-being of underage students. We recognize the importance of transparency and clarity, particularly when it comes to addressing any periods during which students may be unsupervised. This is especially crucial when accepting ages 14 to 17 on adult courses, as it is essential to manage expectations effectively. It is important to note that this information is made readily available to parents/guardians prior to enrolment, ensuring they have a comprehensive understanding of the care and support we offer to students under 18.

1.4 At OSP, we are committed to maintaining recruitment procedures that adhere to the highest standards of safer recruitment and align with our safeguarding policy, particularly for roles involving responsibility for or substantial access to students under 18. Our recruitment materials will explicitly convey our dedication to safeguarding and inform applicants about the requirement of suitability checks. As part of our comprehensive recruitment process, we conduct interviews, carefully examine any gaps in CVs, verify proof of identity and qualifications, and diligently check references. These reference requests explicitly inquire whether there are any reasons why the applicant should not be engaged in situations involving responsibility for or substantial access to individuals under 18.

To ensure the suitability of individuals caring for or working with students under 18, we undertake criminal record checks through reputable channels such as the Disclosure and Barring Service (in England and Wales), the Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme (in Scotland), or Access NI (in Northern Ireland). For candidates from outside the UK, we may require a Police ‘Certificate of good conduct’. This process encompasses teachers, welfare staff, adults in homestay accommodations, residential supervisors, and activity staff. In cases where any of these individuals are contracted through third parties, we establish formal agreements to ensure that relevant suitability checks have been conducted. In situations where employment needs to commence before clearance is received, our safeguarding policy includes measures to be implemented.

By upholding these rigorous recruitment procedures, we prioritise the safety and well-being of our students under 18 and maintain a secure environment within our organisation.

1.5 At OSP, we prioritise the safety and supervision of our students during scheduled lessons and activities. To ensure their well-being:

  • Students under 16 will be placed in classes separate from students aged 18 or older.

  • We provide appropriate adult supervision for all scheduled activities, both on-site and off-site, considering factors such as activity nature, student age, gender, and specific needs. Group leaders and accompanying adults are responsible solely for the students in their designated group.

Please note that the recommended adult-to-student supervision ratios, as advised by the 1998 DfEE publication Health and Safety of Pupils on Educational Visits, are as follows: 1:6 for under 8s, 1:10-15 for 8-10 year olds, and 1:15-20 for students aged 11 and above. However, we strive to exceed these ratios if necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of our students in case of emergencies.

Risk assessment is carried out for each class and activity in order to ensure the level of risk is identified and mitigated beforehand.

At OSP, we believe in fostering an inclusive and enriching environment for all students. Our group activities, including debates and excursions, may involve students of different ages. We ensure that parents are informed about this beforehand and seek their prior approval during the booking process. Rest assured, our dedicated OSP staff will provide supervision and guidance throughout these activities to ensure the safety and well-being of all students.

At OSP, we are committed to providing a safe and supervised environment for our students at all times, ensuring their well-being and enjoyment throughout their participation in our program.

1.6 At OSP, we prioritise the supervision and safety of our students both during and outside scheduled lessons and activities. We have clear rules in place for students regarding their conduct and activities outside of scheduled times, which are age-appropriate and aligned with the location. We ensure that our residential staff are fully aware of these rules, including curfew times, and have procedures in place to enforce them. Our group leaders and residence supervisors also play a vital role in supervising students during meals and other non-scheduled times. Rest assured, our rules and procedures are designed to uphold our duty of care to all students.

1.7 At OSP, we prioritise the safety and well-being of our students through suitable accommodation arrangements. Here are some key points:

  • We take responsibility for providing accommodation and meals.

  • There will always be a responsible adult, known and vetted by us, present overnight and usually when students under 16 are at the accommodation.

  • In our residential accommodation at Linacre College, we maintain a ratio of at least 1 adult to 20 students for students aged 12-17, and 1 adult to 15 students for students under 12. We have first aid facilities and appropriately trained staff available at all times. We also have arrangements with a local doctor in case of emergencies.

  • Our accommodation at Linacre College is gated, equipped with security cameras, and has a 24/7 porter service, further ensuring the safety and security of our students.

These measures contribute to creating a safe and secure environment for all students during their stay at OSP.

1.8 At OSP, we prioritise effective communication and ensure contact with the parents, legal guardians, or their nominated representatives concerning the welfare of students. Here are the key arrangements in place:

  • We have effective measures and information in place to enable 24-hour contact with parents or legal guardians of students.

  • We provide parents and legal guardians with a dedicated telephone number that can be used to contact us outside of our office opening hours.

These arrangements ensure that parents, legal guardians, or their representatives can easily reach us to address any concerns or provide updates regarding the welfare of their children throughout their time at OSP.

Other inspection criteria which may have specific application for under 18s

Legal and statutory regulations

Staff management

At OSP, we have appropriate human resources policies in place for staff and provide comprehensive induction procedures. Our policies ensure compliance with statutory requirements and create a supportive working environment. Staff undergo thorough training and orientation to familiarise themselves with our organisation and expectations. We also offer additional support, information, and training opportunities. These practices contribute to maintaining professionalism and competence among our staff, benefiting the overall student experience.

Student administration

At OSP, we have a clear and effective policy regarding student attendance and punctuality. We maintain accurate records and have procedures in place to address student absences. This policy applies to all students, including those under 18 years old. Additionally, both staff and students are informed about the conditions and procedures that may lead to a student being asked to leave the course. For students under 18, appropriate arrangements are made to ensure their safe return to their parents or guardians, as necessary.


Care of students

At OSP, we prioritise the safety and security of our students, taking into account their age and background. We conduct comprehensive risk assessments to ensure their well-being, as well as to meet our duty of care obligations and inspection criteria.

We provide appropriate pastoral care to students, considering their age, background, circumstances, and any additional support needs they may have. For 16-17 year olds enrolled on adult courses, we offer specific welfare systems that provide a higher level of support, such as regular welfare tutorials or a dedicated forum.

We have designated individuals who are identified to all staff and students to handle students’ personal problems and provide necessary support.

Our policies and procedures address abusive behaviour by staff or students, including verbal abuse, harassment, bullying, violence, damage to personal property, and behaviour that may lead to extremist radicalization. Students are informed, in an age-appropriate manner, about reporting any uncomfortable or upsetting behaviour and are aware of whom they can talk to if they have concerns. Our information and procedures align with our safeguarding policy, and we comply with the requirements of the “Prevent” initiative.

At OSP, the well-being and safety of our students are paramount, and we strive to create a supportive and inclusive environment for all.


All Accommodation: We provide students with a comfortable living environment by offering a weekly laundry service or clearly explained laundry arrangements. For students under 16, access to a weekly laundry service is especially provided. No extra charges will be taken for laundry services.

Key links and documents for training

Terrorism and Security: English UK provides comprehensive training for managers and welfare officers, including sessions on safeguarding, safer recruitment, risk management, and the requirements of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015. For more information, visit or contact

Basic Awareness Training (formerly Level 1 safeguarding) for individuals working with children: Local authorities offer online Basic Awareness Training (formerly Level 1 safeguarding) for individuals working with children. North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Board provides such training, which is user-friendly and takes around 30-40 minutes. Upon completion, participants receive a certificate as evidence of training completion. To access the course, register and answer a few questions at

Training for the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)/Senior Designated Person: Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCB) and Designated Officers offer advice and training, including Inter-agency/Specialist Training for the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)/Senior Designated Person. They are the contact point for reporting safeguarding allegations/incidents. Contact details can be found by searching for ‘safeguarding children’ and the name of your local authority area. The Association of Independent LSCB Chairs provides a list of contacts, available at

Keeping Children Safe in Education: The government’s publication “Keeping Children Safe in Education” provides guidance on child safety in educational settings. It can be accessed at–2.

The UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) offers the publication “International Students Under 18: Guidance and Good Practice” (ISBN 1 870679 46 6).

For resources and information to help keep children safe, including online safety, visit and the UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS) at

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) : Regarding criminal records checks, in England and Wales, the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) provides the necessary checks. More information can be found at

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